C to See, 2016

Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe

C to See was a solo exhibition that featured three "lecterns" or sculptural pedestals activated by reading. Viewers were invited to stand on the lecterns and read aloud from curated passages of books ranging from Melville's Moby Dick and Emily Dickinson poems to passages about floating from Sexing the Cherry by Jeannette Winterson or even a piece about being shamefully trapped, from Karl Ove Knausgards' opus.  Each reading selection was intentionally paired with the physical sensation of occupying each lectern.

Aspen branches were prominent in this installation. Latillas harvested from the Pecos mountains were to added to a supply of recycled branches to clad the "Brush"  lectern, a rough deck-like structure when experienced from the inside that looked like a ghostly hedge from the outside. Bark stripped from the saplings were woven into small bark wall hangings, referencing the grid of location technologies, personal migration, the ensuing cultural collisions and assimilations.

The installation also served as a set for the dance group Ground Series' performance of " Dancing in a Hard Place" as well as for performances by musicians of the New Mexico Contemporary Ensemble.